Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Roos Baby Blessings

The Roos family sure had a busy Sunday. First up was the primary program for Kylie and Clara's kids. Mitch, the oldest, is out of primary and didn't have to participate. Rindy and Toby, though, at eleven and eight still had to sit on the stand and have their turn at the pulpit. Rindy, leaving Primary for Young Women when she turns twelve in October, was aksed to give a talk to close out the program. It was a wonderful talk on the importance of families to end the program well.

Then it was over to Rick and Jenny's ward where their newest addition, Zoey, was blessed. All the Roos children were there, minus one, and all their kids, plus cousin Julie and many members of Jenny's family. Rick gave a beautiful blessing, and after we all headed over to their house for some food. Zoey is adorable and her parents couldn't be prouder.

Sorry there aren't any pics, but I didn't have my camera. Head over to Rick and Jenny's blog to read about the day and see some pics, rooslife.blogspot.com.